主要极端环境微生物分类及生物活性、鱼类生理及基于分子生物学的生态保护技术等方面的研究。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,十三五重点研发计划子项目1项,全球环境基金项目1项,“863”子项目1项,国家海洋局极地专项2项,中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费2项,国家海洋公益项目1项。在《Environmental Science & Technology》、《Science of The Total Environment》、《Fish & Shellfish Immunology》等发表论文40余篇,获得国家发明专利5项,国家标准4项,软件著作权10项。
[1] Li, S., Zhang, Y., Cong, B#., Liu, S., Liu, S., Mi, W., & Xie, Z. (2023). Spatial distribution, source identification and flux estimation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorine pesticides in basins of the Eastern Indian Ocean. Science of The Total Environment, 905, 166974. (中科院JCR一区TOP期刊)
[2] Cong, B#., Zhang, H., Li, S., Liu, S., Lin, J., Deng, A., Liu, W., & Yang, Y. (2023). Taxonomic Identification of the Arctic Strain Nocardioides Arcticus Sp. Nov. and Global Transcriptomic Analysis in Response to Hydrogen Peroxide Stress. International journal of molecular sciences, 24(18), 13943. (中科院JCR二区TOP期刊)
[3] Cong, B., Li, S., Liu, S., Mi, W., Liu, S., Zhang, Z., & Xie, Z. (2022). Source and Distribution of Emerging and Legacy Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Basins of the Eastern Indian Ocean. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(7), 4199-4209. (中科院JCR一区TOP期刊,Nature Index 期刊)
[4] Liu, W., Cong, B#., Lin, J., Zhao, L., and Liu, S., (2022). Complete genome sequencing and comparison of two nitrogen-metabolizing bacteria isolated from Antarctic deep-sea sediment. BMC Genomics, 23(1), 713. (中科院JCR二区TOP期刊)
[5] Li, S., Zhang, H., Cong, B#., He, P., Liu, W., & Liu, S. (2022). A Novel Ag@ AgCl Nanoparticle Synthesized by Arctic Marine Bacterium: Characterization, Activity and Mechanism. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(24), 15558. (中科院JCR二区Top期刊)
[6] Liu, S., Fang, S., Cong, B., Li, T., Yi, D., Zhang, Z., Zhao, L., & Zhang, P. (2022). The Antarctic Moss Pohlia nutans Genome Provides Insights Into the Evolution of Bryophytes and the Adaptation to Extreme Terrestrial Habitats. Frontiers in plant science, 13, 920138. . (中科院JCR二区Top期刊)
[7] Liu, S., Li, T., Fang, S., Zhang, P., Yi, D., Cong, B., Zhang, Z., & Zhao, L. (2022). Metabolic profiling and gene expression analyses provide insights into cold adaptation of an Antarctic moss Pohlia nutans. Frontiers in plant science, 13, 1006991. (中科院JCR二区Top期刊)
[8] Liu, S., Li, T., Zhang, P., Zhao, L., Yi, D., Zhang, Z., & Cong, B. (2022). Insights into the Jasmonate Signaling in Basal Land Plant Revealed by the Multi-Omics Analysis of an Antarctic Moss Pohlia nutans Treated with OPDA. International journal of molecular sciences, 23(21), 13507. (中科院JCR二区Top期刊)
[9] Zhang, F., Han, Y., & Cong, B#. (2021). Reflections Based on Pollution Changes Brought by COVID-19 Lockdown in Shanghai. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(20), 10613.
[10] Liu, S., Fang, S., Liu, C., Zhao, L., Cong, B., & Zhang, Z. (2021). Transcriptomics Integrated With Metabolomics Reveal the Effects of Ultraviolet-B Radiation on Flavonoid Biosynthesis in Antarctic Moss. Frontiers in plant science, 12, 788377-788377. (中科院JCR二区TOP期刊)
[11] Cong, B., Liu, C., Wang, L., & Chai, Y. (2020). The impact on antioxidant enzyme activity and related gene expression following adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) exposure to dimethyl phthalate. Animals, 10(4), 717. (中科院JCR二区期刊)
[12] Cong, B., Yin, X., Deng, A., Shen, J., Tian, Y., Wang, S., & Yang, H. (2020). Diversity of cultivable microbes from soil of the Fildes Peninsula, Antarctica, and their potential application. Frontiers in microbiology, 2182. (中科院JCR二区TOP期刊)
[1] 全球环境基金/联合国粮农组织项目:中国典型河口生物多样性保护、修复和保护区网络建设示范项目(项目编号:GCP /CPR/045/GFF,时间:2020-2025),课题负责人,经费:2475万。
[2] 十三五重点研发计划——极地微生物资源的获取、多样性分析及资源库的建立子项目(项目编号:2018YFC1406701,时间:2018-2021),课题负责人,经费:51万。
[3] 中央事业单位基本研业务费:内分泌干扰物对海水养殖大菱鲆的生物学效应研究(时间:2018-2020),课题负责人,经费:40万。
[4] 青岛市自然保护地体系发展规划(青岛市园林和林业局委托,时间:2020-2025),课题负责人,经费:45万。
[5] 烟台崆峒列岛省级海洋自然保护区总体规划编制(烟台市海洋局委托,时间:2020-2021),课题负债人,经费:25万。
[6] 河口项目配套经费(国家林业和草原局委托,时间:2020-2023),课题负责人,经费:25万。