袁东亮 研究员
袁东亮 研究员
资        格 博士生导师
所在部门 海洋环境与数值模拟研究室
邮        箱 dyuan@fio.org.cn
招生专业 物理海洋学
研究方向 1.大洋环流与气候动力学;2.边缘海与陆架环流动力学;3.卫星海洋学;4.数值模拟与四维同化



      1. Jing Wang, Shouwen Zhang*, Hua Jiang, D. Yuan*, 2022: Efects of 2019 subsurface Indian Ocean initialization on the forecast of the 2020/2021 La Niña event.Climate Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06442-7 

      2. Zhang, Z., Wang, J.*, & Yuan, D. * 2022: Mixed layer salinity balance in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2021JC018229. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JC018229  

      3. Yuan D.#* , X. Yin#, X Li#, Corry Corvianawatie, Z Wang,Y Li, Y Yang, et al., 2022: A Maluku Sea intermediate western boundary current connecting Pacific Ocean circulation to the Indonesian Throughflow, Nature Communications, 13:2093, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-29617-6  

      4. Li X., Yuan D.*, Li Y., Wang Z., Wang J., Hu X., Yang Y., et al. 2021, Moored observations of currents and water mass properties between Talaud and Halmahera Islands at the entrance of the Indonesian seas, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 51(12):3557-3572.

      5. Zhao Xia, Dongliang Yuan*, 2021: Evaluation of intraseasonal wind rectification on recent Indian Ocean dipole events using LICOM, Climate Dynamics, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00382-021-05943-1.

      6. Hao Jiajia, Yuan Dongliang*, Tian Di, Su Jian, Phlmann Thomas (2021) Long-term changes of cross-shelf transports in the Yellow and East China Seas under different greenhouse gases emission scenarios. Climate Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-021-06045-8

      7. Li, M., Yuan, D.*, Gordon, A. L., Gruenburg, L., Li, X., Li, R., Yin, X., Yang, Y.*, Corvianatie, C., Wei, J., Yang, S. 2021: A strong sub-thermocline intrusion of the North Equatorial Subsurface Current into the Makassar Strait in 2016-2017. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL092505, 10.1029/2021GL092505

      8. Li X., Yuan D.*, Li Y., Wang Z., Wang J., Hu X., Yang Y., et al. 2021, Moored observations of currents and water mass properties between Talaud and Halmahera Islands at the entrance of the Indonesian seas, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 51(12):3557-3572.

      9. Li, X., Y. Yang, R. Li, L. Zhang, and, D. Yuan*, 2020: Structure and dynamics of the Pacific North Equatorial Subsurface Current. Sci. Rep., 10, 11758, 10.1038/s41598-020-68605-y.

      10. Yang, Y., X. Li, J. Wang, and, D. Yuan*, 2020: Seasonal variability and dynamics of the Pacific North Equatorial Subsurface Current. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 50(9), 2457-2474, 10.1175/JPO-D-19-0261.1.

      11. Li, X., D. Yuan*, Z. Wang, et al., 2020: Moored observations of transport and variability of Halmahera Sea currents. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 50(2), 471-488, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-19-0109.1.

      12. Yuan, D., X. Song, Y. Yang, and W. K. Dewar, 2019: Dynamics of Mesoscale Eddies Interacting With a Western Boundary Current Flowing by a Gap, J. Geophys. Res.: Oceans, 10.1029/2019JC014949.

      13. Yuan D.*, et al., 2018: Observed Transport Variations in the Maluku Channel of the Indonesian Seas Associated with Western Boundary Current Changes, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 48: 1803-1813, DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-17-0120.1.

      14. Yuan D.*, J. Hao, J. Li, and L. He, 2018: Cross-shelf carbon transport under different greenhouse gas emission scenarios in the East China Sea during winter, Sci. China-Earth Sci., 61(6), 659-667.

      15. Zhou H., D. Yuan*, L. Yang, X. Li, and W. K. Dewar, 2018: Decadal variability of the meridional geostrophic transport in the upper tropical North Pacific Ocean, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 31(15): 5891-5910.

      16. Zhao, X. D. Yuan*, G. Yang, J. Wang, H. Liu, R. Zhang, and W. Han, 2018: Interannual variability and dynamics of intraseasonal wind rectification in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, Clim. Dyn., 52, 4351-4369.

      17. Yuan D.*, X. Hu, P. Xu, X. Zhao, Y. Masumoto, W. Han, 2018: The IOD-ENSO precursory teleconnection over the tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean: dynamics and long-term trends under global warming. J. Oceanol.. Limnol., 36(1), 4-19.

      18. Yuan, D.*, Y. Li, B. Wang, L. He, and N. Hirose, 2017: Coastal circulation in the southwestern Yellow Sea in the summers of 2008 and 2009, Cont. Shelf Res., 143, 101-117.

      19. Wang, J., and D. Yuan*, 2015: Roles of western and eastern boundary reflections in the interannual sea level variations during negative Indian Ocean Dipole events. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 45, 1804-1821, DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-14-0124.1.

      20. Yuan, D.*, Z. Zhang, P.C. Chu and W. K. Dewar, 2014: Geostrophic Circulation in the Tropical North Pacific Ocean Based on Argo Profiles. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44, 558-575, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-12-0230.1.

      21. Wang, Z., D. Yuan*, 2014: Multiple equilibria and hysteresis of two unequal transport western boundary currents colliding at a gap. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44, 1873-1885, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-13-0234.1.

      22. Yuan, D.*, H. Zhou, and X. Zhao, 2013: Interannual climate variability over the tropical Pacific Ocean induced by Indian Ocean Dipole through Indonesian Throughflow. J. Climate, 2845-2861, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00117.1.

      23. Wang, Z., and D. Yuan*, 2012: Nonlinear Dynamics of Two Western Boundary Currents Colliding at a Gap. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 42(11), 2030-2040.

      24. Yuan, D.*, J. Wang, T. Xu, P. Xu, H. Zhou, X. Zhao, Y. Luan, W. Zheng, Y. Yu, 2011: Forcing of Indian Ocean Dipole on the interannual variations of the tropical Pacific Ocean: Roles of the Indonesian Throughflow. J. Clim., 24, 3593-3608.

      25. Yuan, D.*, and Z. Wang, 2011: Hysteresis and Dynamics of a Western Boundary Current Flowing by a Gap Forced by Impingement of Meso-scale Eddies. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 41, 878-888, doi: 10.1175/2010JPO4489.1

      26. Yuan, D.*, and Y. Hsueh, 2010: Dynamics of the cross-shelf circulation in the Yellow and East China Seas in winter. Deep Sea Research II, 57(19-20), 1745-1761.


     (1) 2008年获国家杰出青年基金;

     (2) 2009年荣获“新世纪百千万人才国家级人选”;

     (3) 2011年全球变化研究国家重大科学研究计划项目首席科学家;

     (4) 2011年在“百人计划”终期评估获得优秀;

     (5) 2012年获山东省国际合作奖、山东省留学人员回国创业奖;

     (6) 2013年中科院海洋专项项目负责人、享受国务院政府特殊津贴;

     (7) 2014年获得基金委“创新研究群体项目”资助,担任学术带头人,2021年结题评估获得优秀;

     (8) 2018年获得“中国科学院大学地球与行星科学学院杰出校友”;“太平洋西边界流与边缘海交换的动力机制”荣获山东省自然科学2等奖(排名第一);“热带太平洋西边界流研究集体”获得中国科学院杰出科技成就奖(排名第三);

     (9) 2021年获得海洋科学技术奖 特等奖 (第一完成人)。


      1. 国家重点研发计划“全球变化背景下西太平洋环流与ENSO变异及气候预测研究”项目,担任项目负责人,2021-2025,744万元;

      2. 国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体项目,担任项目负责人,2015-2020,1200万元;

      3. 国家自然科学基金委国际合作重点基金项目,担任项目负责人,2018-2022,248万元;

      4. 国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划-重点支持项目,担任项目负责人,2019-2022, 253万元;

      5. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项B,担任项目负责人,2020-2024,625万元;

      6. 曾经担任:国家杰青、国家重大科学研究计划(973)项目、中科院海洋专项项目A等国家级项目负责人。


      1. 发现了全球大洋中最长、最强的赤道外次表层潜流,命名之为太平洋北赤道次表层流(NESC),位于太平洋北赤道逆流之下,向西流动,并进入印尼贯穿流,是中、东赤道太平洋水团进入印尼海以及印度洋的唯一通道,是热带海洋环流和全球海洋大输送带的重要补充。NESC的发现,表明南北太平洋中层水团经过印尼贯穿流进入印度洋,并完成上浮至海平面的过程,该路径是对全球通风热盐环流的重要新认识。

      2. 发现来自南太平洋的印尼贯穿流分支,经哈马黑拉海进入印尼海,表明南太平洋翻转环流加入全球海洋大输送带,改变了传统认识格局。还发现印尼马鲁古海上层向北的平均输运,以及萨武海峡的次温跃层潜流,为印尼贯穿流逆流的存在提供了关键证据。

      3. 提出了热带印度洋偶极子通过印尼贯穿流影响太平洋暖池热力充放和ENSO演变的“海洋通道”机制,显著提升了ENSO预报技能。

      4. 发现了罗斯贝波在西边界的强非线性反射过程,揭示其与跨隙流动的西边界流迟滞和分岔过程的非线性相互作用机制,并使用卫星遥感和现场潜标数据提供确凿观测证据,揭示了西边界反射在ENSO和印度洋偶极子演变中的滞后负反馈机;发现了全球热带大洋的非Sverdrup环流结构,指出其可能是由环流非线性过程驱动的。

      5. 发现了我国闽浙沿岸的跨陆架穿刺锋面现象、南海深层“三明治”环流结构、吕宋海峡黑潮的季节内变异特征和非线性迟滞动力机制等边缘海现象和过程,揭示了黑潮与中国近海水交换的三个主要通道:跨陆架环流、穿刺锋面和吕宋海峡交换。
