郑风荣 正高级工程师
郑风荣 正高级工程师
资        格 硕士生导师
所在部门 海洋生态研究中心
邮        箱 zhengfr@fio.org.cn
招生专业 海洋生物学
研究方向 海洋生物安全及资源恢复相关领域

主持国家自然基金及国家863计划等国家级、省部级研究项目10余项。发表学术论文50余篇,其中第1作者及通信作者发表SCI、EI论文27篇,SCI TOP期刊4篇。授权、申请的国家发明专利16项,部分专利已转化;获得的省部级学术成果奖励2项,出版学术著作1部。



1. Fengrong Zheng, Hongzhan Liu, Xiuqin Sun Yongqiang Zhang, Baiyu Zhang, Zhaojun Teng, Yongjiang Hou, Bo Wang Development of oral DNA vaccine based on chitosan nanoparticles for the immunization against reddish body iridovirus in turbots (Scophthalmus maximus)Aquaculture 2016452, 263-271  

2.  Fengrong Zheng, Hongzhan Liu, Xiangyun Guo, Bo Wang Isolation and identification of a new isolate of lymphocystis disease virus isolated from black rockfish (Sebastes schlegelii) in China Aquaculture 2016451340–344  

3. Fengrong Zheng, Xiuqin Sun, Hongzhan Liu,Junling Liu, Yanjun Wu Selection, identification and application of antagnism bacteria associated with skin ulceration and peristome tumescence in cultured sea cucumbers Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka).Aquaculture, 2012,334 :24–29. SCI,

4. Fengrong Zheng,Yongqiang Zhang, Zongjun Xu & Bo Wang Identification and characterization of pathogens associated with fin erubescence and ulceration of cultured Scophthalmus maximus Aquaculture Research,2017482):521-530

5. Fengrong Zheng,Xiuqin Sun, Xiaoping Qin, Zongjun Xu & Bo Wang Construction and expression of DNA vaccine against reddish body iridovirus and evaluation of immune efficacy in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) Aquaculture Research, 2017, 4884174-4183

6. Feng-rong Zheng, Xiu-qin Sun, Qing Xing Ming Immune response of DNA vaccine against lymphocystis disease virus and expression analysis of immune-related genes after vaccination. Aquacuture Research, 41(10): 1444 – 1451 ,2010. 

7. Fengrong Zheng, Xiuqin Sun, Xing’an Wu, Hongzhan Liu, Jiye Li, Suqi Wu, Jinxing Zhang. Immune efficacy of a genetically engineered vaccine against lymphocystis disease virus: analysis of different immunization strategies. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2011, 1-8  IF=4.774  

8. Fengrong Zheng, Hongzhan Liu, Zhen Shen, Qing Li, Yongqiang Zhang, Bo Wang Transcriptome profiling of the hypothalamus and pituitary at gonadal maturation and regression phases in marbled flounder (Pseudopleuronectes yokoham)ae) Genes and Genomics 201739713-722

9. Fengrong Zheng, Hongzhan Liu, Yongqiang Zhang, Bo Wang Complete mitochondrial genome of the Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae ) (Pleuronectiforll: Pleuronectidae) Mitochondrial DNA  2016,27(4):2915-2916

10. Fengrong Zheng, Bo Wang & Qian Wang Complete mitochondrial genome of the Sepiella  maindroni (Sepioidea: Sepiidae) Mitochondrial DNA 2016,27(5):3766-3767  

11. Fengrong Zheng, Xiuqin Sun, Hongzhan Liu, Xingan Wu, Nan Zhong Bo Wang, Guodong Zhou Distribution and expression in vitro and in vivo of DNA vaccine against lymphocystis disease virus in Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 201028 (1): 67-74

12.FengrongZheng,BoWang,ZhenShen,ZongxingWang,WeiWang,HongzhanLiu, ClaireWangd,MaoshengXineThechloroplastgenomesequenceofthegreenmacroalgaCaulerpaokamurae (Ulvophyceae,Chlorophyta):Itsstructuralfeatures,organizationand phylogeneticanalysis Marine Genomics 2020531-12

13. Fengrong Zheng, Hongzhan Liu, Meijing Jiang, Zongjun Xu, Zongxing Wang, Claire Wang, Fei Du, Zhen Shen, Bo Wang,The complete mitochondrial genome of the Caulerpa lentillifera (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta): Sequence, genome content, organization structure and phylogenetic consideration  Gene 673 (2018) 225–238

14. Zhen Shen,Bo Wang ,Fawen Hu, Hongbin Guan,Fengrong Zheng Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Hexagrammos otakii based on 2b-RAD methodJournal of Applied Ichthyology 2019  J Appl Ichthyol. 2020;36:55–61.

15. Li Ying, Zongxing Wang, Fengrong Zheng, Bo Wang, Identification and characterization of the pathogen associated with skin ulcer syndrome in lined seahorse, Hippocampus erectus"  Aquaculture Research. 2020;51:989–999

16Hongzhan Liu, Fengrong Zheng*, Xiuqin Sun,Xuguang Hong,Shuanglin Dong Bo Wang,Xuexi Tang. Identification of the pathogens associated with skin ulceration and peristome tumescence in cultured sea cucumbers Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 105(3):236-242,2010. SCI它引43

17Hongzhan Liu, Fengrong Zheng*, Xiuqin Sun and Yimei Cai Construction of cDNA library from intestine, mesentery and coelomocyte of Apostichopus japonicus Selenka infected with Vibrio sp. and a preliminary analysis of immunity-related genes Journal of Ocean University of China,2012, 11(2):187-196SCI

18Bo Wang, Jiang zhou, Hongzhan Liu, Fengrong Zheng* Analysis of transcriptome profiling from the brain at maturation and regression phases in starry flounder (Platichthys stellatus) Gene Reports 2016,4:45-52SCI








1. 国家自然科学基金 虹彩病毒纳米基因工程疫苗载体构建与跨膜机理研究”(41106147), 主持。


3. 山东省重点研发淋巴囊肿病毒多价基因工程疫苗的研究(2019GHY112003)主持。

