冉祥滨 研究员
冉祥滨 研究员
资        格 硕士生导师
所在部门 海洋生态研究中心
邮        箱 rxb@fio.org.cn
招生专业 海洋化学
研究方向 区域硅循环、低氧现象与磷循环、营养盐由陆到海输送

    冉祥滨,博士,自然资源部第一海洋研究所环境科学专业硕士生导师、中国海洋大学海洋化学专业兼职硕士生导师、联合国全球水环境评估组成员和《海洋科学》特约编辑;从事生物地球化学过程与机理方面的研究与海洋生态环境调查方面的工作,特别是关注于水库效应、陆-海硅循环、生物硅物源识别以及近岸低氧区磷循环等方面的研究工作,主要成果发表在《Limnology and Oceanography》、《Water Research》、《Hydrological Processes》、《Biogeochemistry》、《Science of The Total Environment》、《 Chemical Geology》、《Marine Chemistry》、《Regional Environmental Change》、《Marine Ecology Progress Series》、《Science China: Earth Sciences》、《中国环境科学》、《环境科学》和《湖泊科学》上。


[1] Liu, J., Krom, M.D., Ran, X., Zang, J., Liu, J., Yao, Q., Yu, Z. Sedimentary phosphorus cycling and budget in the seasonally hypoxic coastal area of Changjiang Estuary. Science of The Total Environment, 2020,136389. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136389 (通讯作者)

[2] Wentao Wu, Jun Liu, Alexander F Bouwman, Junjie Wang, Xunqiang Yin, Jiaye Zang, Xiangbin Ran. Exploring oxygen dynamics and depletion in an intensive bivalve production area in the coastal sea off Rushan Bay, China. 2020, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 649: 53-65. https://doi.org/10.3354/meps13442(通讯作者)

[3] Junjie Wang, Alexander F. Bouwman, Arthur H.W. Beusen, Xiaochen Liu, Xiangbin Ran, and Lauriane Vilmin. Comment on “Multi-Scale Modeling of Nutrient Pollution in the Rivers of China”. Environmental Science & Technology 2020 54 (3), 2043-2045. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b06534

[4] Hao, Q., Yang, S., Song, Z., Ran, X., Yu, C., Chen, C., Van Zwieten, L., Quine, T.A., Liu, H., Wang, Z., Wang, H. Holocene carbon accumulation in lakes of the current east Asian monsoonal margin: Implications under a changing climate. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 737: 139723.

[5] Ran Xiangbin, Bouwman A.F., Yu Zhigang, Liu Jun. Implications of eutrophication for biogeochemical processes in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Regional Environmental Change, 2019, 19, 55-63. DOI: 10.1007/s10113-018-1382-y

[6] Wang, H., Ran, X., Li, J., Liu, J., Wu, W., Li, M., Zang, J. Response of the sediment geochemistry of the Changjiang River (Yangtze River) to the impoundment of the Three Gorges Dam. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2019, 83, 161-173. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2019.04.003 (通讯作者)

[7] Liu, J., Song, Z., Wang, J., Bouwman, A.F., Li, M., Liu, S., Cao, L., Zang, J., Ran, X. (2019) Biogenic Silica Composition and Storage in the Yellow River Delta Wetland with Implications for the Carbon Preservation. Wetlands. 2019, 10.1007/s13157-019-01233-z (通讯作者)

[8] Ran Xiangbin, Liu Jun, Zang Jiaye, Xu Bochao, Zhao, Shibin, Wu Wentao, Wang Hao, Liu Sen. Export and dissolution of biogenic silica in the Yellow River (Huanghe) and implications for the estuarine ecosystem. Marine Chemistry, 2018, 200: 14-21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2018.02.001

[9] Ran Xiangbin, Liu Jun, Liu Sen, Zang Jiaye, Wang Bodong, Zhao Jun. The biogenic silica composition, behavior and budget in the Changjiang Estuary. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2018, 37: 60-72. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13131-018-1159-7

[10] Liu, X., Beusen, A.H.W., Van Beek, L.P.H., Mogollón, J.M., Ran, X., Bouwman, A.F. Exploring spatiotemporal changes of the Yangtze River nitrogen and phosphorus sources, retention and export to the East China Sea and Yellow Sea. Water Research, 2018, 142: 246-255. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2018.06.006

[11] Xiaodan Wang, Shouye Yang, Xiangbin Ran, Xiao-Ming Liu, Clément P. Bataille, Ni Su. Response of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) water chemistry to the impoundment of Three Gorges Dam during 2010–2011. Chemical Geology, 2018, 487: 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.04.006

[12] Bochao Xu, Disong Yang, Peng Yao, William C. Burnett, Xiangbin Ran, Matthew Charette, Xinying Huang, Sumei Liu, Zhigang Yu*. A new perspective for assessing water transport and associated retention effects in a large reservoir. Geophysical Research Letters.2018, DOI:10.1029/2018GL079687.

[13]Liu J, Zang J, Wang H, Liu J, Bouwman L, Ran X. Changes in the distribution and preservation of silica in the Bohai Sea due to changing terrestrial inputs. Continental Shelf Research. 2018, 166:1-9.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2018.06.015 (通讯作者)

[14] Ran Xiangbin, Bouwman Lex, Yu Zhigang, Beusen Arthur, Chen Hongtao, Yao Qingzhen. Nitrogen transport, transformation and retention in the Three Gorges Reservoir: a mass balance approach. Limnology and Oceanography, 2017, 62(5): 2323-2337. https://doi.org/10.1002/lno.10568

[15] Xiangbin Ran, Bochao Xu, Jun Liu, Chenying Zhao, Sen Liu, Jiaye Zang. Biogenic silica composition and δ13C abundance in the Changjiang (Yangtze) and Huanghe (Yellow) Rivers with implications for the silicon cycle. Science of The Total Environment, 2017, 579: 1541-1549.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.11.161

[16] Ran Xiangbin, Liu Sen, Liu Jun, Zang Jiaye, Che Hong, Ma Yongxing, Wang Yibin. Composition and variability in the export of biogenic silica in the Changjiang River and the effect of Three Gorges Reservoir. Science of The Total Environment, 2016, 571: 1191-1199. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.07.125

[17] Zang Jiaye, Liu Sen, Liu Yanguang, Ma Yongxing, Ran Xiangbin. Contribution of phytoliths to total biogenic silica volumes in the tropical rivers of Malaysiaand associated implications for the marine biogeochemical cycle. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2016, 34: 1076-1084.(通讯作者)

[18] Liu Jun, Zang Jiaye, Bouwman Lex, Liu Sen, Yu Zhigang, Ran Xiangbin. Distribution and budget of dissolved and biogenic silica in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea. Biogeochemistry, 2016,130: 85–101.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10533-016-0244-2  (通讯作者)

[19] Liu Jun, Zang Jiaye, Zhao Chenying, Yu Zhigang, Xu Bochao, Li Jingxi, Ran Xiangbin. Phosphorus speciation, transformation, and preservation in the coastal area of Rushan Bay. Science of The Total Environment, 2016, 565: 258-270.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.04.177  (通讯作者)

[20] Ran Xiangbin, Che Hong, Zang Jiaye, Yu Yonggui, Liu Sen, Zheng Lili. Variability in the composition and export of silica in the Huanghe River Basin. Science China: Earth Sciences, 2015, 58: 2078-2089. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-015-5064-z

[21] Ran Xiangbin, Chen Hongtao, Wei Junfeng, Yao Qingzheng, Mi Tiezhu, and Yu Zhigang. Phosphorus speciation, transformation and retention in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Marine and Freshwater Research, 2015, 67(2): 173-186. https://doi.org/10.1071/MF14344

[22] Ran Xiangbin, Yu Zhigang, Yao Qingzhen, Chen Hongtao, Guo Hongbo. Silica retention in the Three Gorges Reservoir. Biogeochemistry, 2013, 112(1-3): 209-228.

[23] Ran Xiangbin, Yu Zhigang, Yao Qingzheng, Chen Hongtao, Mi Tiezhu. Major ion geochemistry and nutrient behaviour in the mixing zone of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River and its tributaries in the Three Gorges Reservoir. Hydrological Processes, 2010, 24(17): 2481-2495.

[24] Xu, B., Yang, D., Burnett, W.C., Ran, X., Yu, Z., Gao, M., Diao, S. and Jiang, X. Artificial water sediment regulation scheme influences morphology, hydrodynamics and nutrient behavior in the Yellow River estuary. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 539: 102-112.

[25] Yu, Y., Wang, H., Shi, X., Ran, X., Cui, T., Qiao, S. and Liu, Y. New discharge regime of the Huanghe (Yellow River): Causes and implications. Continental Shelf Research, 2013, 69, 62-72.

[26] 冉祥滨王永吉植硅体在河流硅输送中的作用第四纪研究, 2019, 39(1): 67-75.

[27] 李梦露冉祥滨刘军吴文涛王昊刘晓瑜臧家业黄海麻坑群沉积物磷的保存与转化及环境效应中国环境科学, 2020, 40(4): 1757-1770. (EI, 通讯作者)

[28]吴文涛冉祥滨李景喜王昊李梦露刘军臧家业长江水体常量和微量元素的来源、分布与向海输送[J]. 环境科学, 2019, 40(11): 4900-4913. (EI, 通讯作者)

[29]王昊,冉祥滨,臧家业,刘军,曹磊,刘森,马永星.长江与黄河入海活性硅输送规律及变化趋势.湖泊科学,2018,30(5):1246-1259. DOI:10.18307/2018.0508 (EI, 通讯作者)

[30] 刘军,臧家业,冉祥滨,赵晨英,刘季花,王小静.长江口低氧区沉积物中磷的形态及其环境意义环境科学, 2017, 38(8): 3243-3253. (EI, 通讯作者)

[31] 冉祥滨车宏臧家业于永贵刘森郑莉莉. 2015. 黄河流域硅的组成与输出中国科学地球科学, 45: 982–993.

[32] 冉祥滨刘军于志刚姚庆祯郭鸿博陈洪涛. 2016. 典型枯水年长江干流硅的分布、输送与滞留湖泊科学, 2017,29 (3): 740-752.EI

[33] 臧家业赵晨英刘军谢琳萍王以斌张爱军冉祥滨. 2016. 乳山湾邻近海域有机碳的分布与底界面过程研究.中国环境科学,2017, 37 (3): 1089- 1102. (EI, 通讯作者)

[34] 赵晨英臧家业刘军孙涛冉祥滨.黄渤海氮磷营养盐的分布、收支与生态环境效应中国环境科学, 2016, 36(7): 2115-2127. (EI, 通讯作者)

[35]刘军于志刚臧家业孙涛赵晨英冉祥滨黄渤海有机碳的分布特征及收支评估研究地球科学进展, 2015, 30(5): 564-578. (通讯作者)

[36] 刘军臧家业张丽君孙涛于志刚冉祥滨.黄海硅的分布与收支研究中国环境科学, 2016, 36(1): 157-166. (EI, 通讯作者)

[37] 马永星臧家业车宏郑莉莉, & 张波涛等.黄河干流营养盐分布与变化趋势海洋与湖沼, 2015, 46(1): 140-147.

[38] 冉祥滨,车宏,孙涛,等.渤海颗粒有机碳与生物硅的分布及来源.海洋学报, 2014, 36(10): 12-24.

[39] 冉祥滨,臧家业,韦钦胜,刘玮,郭景松.乳山湾口及其邻近海域溶解氧分布特征及影响因素研究海洋学报, 2011, 33(4): 173-180.

[40] 冉祥滨,于志刚,姚庆祯,陈洪涛,米铁柱,姚鹏.水库对河流营养盐滞留效应研究进展湖泊科学, 2009, 21(5): 614-622.

[41] 冉祥滨,于志刚,陈洪涛,姚庆祯,米铁柱.峡水库蓄水至135 m后坝前及香溪河水域溶解无机汞分布特征研究环境科学, 2008, 29(7): 1775-1779.




1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,长江口硅与碳耦合循环及其碳汇效应,项目编号:42176048,起止年月:2022.01~2025.12,经费59万元。

2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,陆源生物硅在长江口硅生物地球化学循环中的作用研究,项目编号:41776089,起止年月:2018.01~2021.12,经费66万元。

3) 国家自然科学基金重点项目,环渤海滨海湿地硅生物地球化学循环及其碳汇效应,项目编号:41930862,起止年月:2020~2024,经费298 万元,骨干。

4) 国家自然科学基金专项项目,共享航次计划2019年度东海科学考察实验研究,项目编号:41949902,起止年月:2020~2021280,经费280万元,首席科学家。


形成了水库效应和陆海相互作用的体系认识;将陆源生物硅的纳入到河流硅循环研究,建立识别陆海生物硅的方法。为《Nature Communications》、《Earth-Science Reviews》、《Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans》《Biogeosciences》、《Science of The Total Environment》、《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》、《海洋学报》、《湖泊科学》和《海洋与湖沼》等国内外近30期刊审稿。





