薛亮 研究员
薛亮 研究员
资        格 硕士生导师
所在部门 海洋与气候研究中心
邮        箱 xueliang@fio.org.cn
招生专业 环境科学
研究方向 海洋碳汇与海洋酸化

薛亮,男,博士,研究员,自然资源部第一海洋研究所“束星北”青年学者,山东科技大学海洋科学专业兼职硕士生导师。主要从事海洋碳汇与海洋酸化研究,重点关注全球变化和人类活动对其调控与影响等。在Nature Communications等杂志发表SCI地学学术论文20余篇,相关成果入选“2018年中国十大海洋科技进展”。


1. Xue, L.*, Cai, W-J., Jiang, L.-Q., Wei, Q. Why are surface ocean pH and CaCO3 saturation state often out of phase in spatial patterns and seasonal cycles? Global Biogeochemical Cycles 35, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GB006949 (2021).

2. Xue, L. , Cai, W.-J. Total alkalinity minus dissolved inorganic carbon as a proxy for deciphering ocean acidification mechanisms. Marine Chemistry, 222, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2020.103791(2020).

3. Xue, L., Yang, X., Li, Y., Li, L., Jiang, L., Xin, M., et al. Processes controlling sea surface pH and aragonite saturation state in a large northern temperate bay: contrasting temperature effects. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JG005805 (2020).

4. Xue, L., Cai, W.-J., Tahahashi, T., Gao, L., Wanninkhof, R., Wei, M., Li, K., Feng, L., Yu, W. Climatic modulation of surface acidification rates through summertime wind forcing in the Southern Ocean. Nature Communications, 9:3240, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-05443-7 (2018).

5.Xue, L., Cai, W.-J., Sutton, A.J. & Sabine, C. Sea surface aragonite saturation state variations and control mechanisms at the Gray's Reef time-series site off Georgia, USA (2006–2007). Marine Chemistry, 195, 27-40, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2017.05.009 (2017).

6. Xue, L., Cai, W.-J., Hu, X., Sabine, C., Jones, S., Sutton, A.J., Jiang, L.-Q., Reimer, J.J. Sea surface carbon dioxide at the Georgia time series site (2006-2007): air-sea flux and controlling processes. Progress in Oceanography, 140, 14-26, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2015.09.008 (2016).

7. Xue, L. et al. Aragonite saturation state in a monsoonal upwelling system off Java, Indonesia. Journal of Marine Systems 153, 10-17 (2016).

8 Xue, L., Gao, L., Cai, W.-J., Yu, W. & Wei, M. Response of sea surface fugacity of CO2 to the SAM shift south of Tasmania: Regional differences. Geophysical Research Letters 42, 3973-3979, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2015GL063926 (2015).

9. Xue, L. Yu, W., Wang, H., Jiang, L.-Q., Feng, L., Gao, L., Li, K., Li, Z., Wei, Q., Ning, C. Temporal changes in surface partial pressure of carbon dioxide and carbonate saturation state in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean during the 1962-2012 period. Biogeosciences 11, 6293-6305, http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-11-6293-2014 (2014).

10. Reimer, J.J., Cai, W.-J., Xue L. et al. Time series pCO2 at a coastal mooring: Internal consistency, seasonal cycles, and interannual variability. Continental Shelf Research 145, 95-108 (2017).


1. 2022.01-2025.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目:垂直混合且富营养化的胶州湾海域中pH和碳酸钙饱和度的主控机制(42176051)。59万元。主持

2. 2016.01-2018.12 国家自然科学基金青年项目:上升流区生物活动对上层水体碳酸钙饱和度的影响:以印尼爪哇南部海域为例(41506099)。23.32万元,主持。

3. 2019.01-2021.12束星北青年学者基金:东印度洋人为CO2吸收及其对海洋环境的响应(GY0219S05)。100万元,主持。

4. 2020.01-2022.12 全球变化与海气相互作用专项研究项目:温室气体源汇格局及其区域性贡献评估(GASI-04-QYQH-02)。60万元,主持。
