徐勤增 副研究员
徐勤增 副研究员
资        格 硕士生导师
所在部门 海洋生态研究中心
邮        箱 xuqinzeng@fio.org.cn
招生专业 海洋生物学
研究方向 底栖生物学与底栖生态学



1. Li Yixuan, Dong Yue, Xu Qinzeng*, Fan Shiliang, Lin Heshan, Wang Minghui, and Zhang Xuelei*. 2020. Genetic differentiation and evolutionary history of the circumpolar species Ophiura sarsii and subspecies Ophiura sarsii vadicola (Ophiurida: Ophiuridae). [J]. Continental Shelf Research. 197. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2020.104085

2. Li Yixuan, Wang Xuetao, Dong Yue, Fan Shiliang, Xu Qinzeng*. 2020. The complete mitochondrial genome of Ophiura kinbergi (Ophiuroidea, Ophiurina): genome structure and phylogenetics. [J]. Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources. 5(2): 1309-1310. doi: 10.1080/23802359.2020.1732241

3. Xu Qinzeng*, Li Yixuan, Dong Yue. 2019. Characterization of the complete mitochondrial genome of Amphioplus laevis (Ophiuroidea, Amphiuridae) with phylogenetic analysis. Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 4:2, 3062-3063.

4 Wang, Xiao, Xu Qinzeng, Jiang Meijie, Liu Ping, Wang Zongling. 2019. Zooplankton Distribution and Influencing Factors in the South Yellow Sea in Spring. Marine Pollution Bulletin 146: 145-154.

5 Wang, Xiao, Xu Qinzeng, Xiao Jie, Miao Xiaoxiang, Liu Ping, Wang. Zongxing. 2019. First Record of the Complete Mitochondrial Genome of Cypridina Dentata (Myodocopida: Cypridinidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 4(1), 1607-1608.

6. Xu Qinzeng, Liu Bingjian, Zhou Yi*. 2018. Does the eelgrass meadow influence the macrobenthic community structure. Marine Biodivesity 48(3): 1337-1344.

7. Xia Sudong, Liumei, Zhanglibin, M.M. Rahman, Xu Qinzeng, Sun Lina, Yang Hongsheng. 2018. Growth, immunity and ammonia excretion of albino and normal Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) feeding with various experimental diets. Aquaculture Nutrition. 24(3), 1076-1084.

8. Xu Qinzeng, Libin Zhang, Tao Zhang, Xuelei Zhang, Hongsheng Yang*. 2017. Functional groupings and food web of an artificial reef used for sea cucumber aquaculture in northern China. Journal of Sea Research. 119: 1-7.

9. Sun Lina, Sun Jingchun, Xu Qinzeng, Hongsheng Yang. 2017. Metabolic responses to intestine regeneration in sea cucumbers Apostichopus japonicus. Biochemistry and Physiology Part D Genomics and Proteomics. 22, 32-38.

10. Sun Lina, Xu Dongxue, Xu Qinzeng, Hongsheng Yang. 2017. iTRAQ Reveals Proteomic Changes during intestine regeneration in the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D Genomics and Proteomics

11. Bai Yuchi., Zhang, Libin., Xia, Sudong., Liu, Shilin., Ru, Xiaoshang, Xu, Qinzeng. 2017. Effects of dietary ascorbic acid levels on the growth, energy budget, and immunological performance of green, white, and purple color morphs of the sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus. Animal Feed Science & Technology, 226, 1-11.

12. Xu Qinzeng, Zhang Libin, Zhang Xuelei, Zhou Yi, Yang Hongsheng*. 2016. Release size and stocking density for grow-out of Apostichopus japonicus in the sea with raft-cultured macroalgae. Aquaculture International, 24(4): 1141-1152.

13. Xu Qinzeng, Xu Qiang, Zhang Xuelei, Peng Quancai, Yang Hongsheng*. 2015. Fatty acid component in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus from different tissues and habitats. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 96(1): 197-204.

14. Xu Qinzeng, Gao Fei, Xu Qiang, Yang Hongsheng. 2014. Analysis of fatty acid composition of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus using a multivariate statistics approach. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 32 (6): 1314-1319.

15. Xu Qinzeng, Zhang Libin, Zhang Tao, Zhou Yi, Xia Sudong, Liu Hui, Yang Hongsheng. 2014. Effects of an artificial oyster shell reef on macrobenthic communities in Rongcheng Bay, East China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 32(1): 99-110.

16. Zhang Libin, Zhang Tao, Xu Qinzeng, Qiu Tianlong, Yang Hongsheng, Liu Shilin. 2014. An artificial oyster-shell reef for the culture and stock enhancement of sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus, in shallow seawater. Aquaculture Research. 46(9), 2260-2269.

17. 葛美玲, 李一璇, 张学雷,范士亮,徐勤增*. 2019. 中国海底栖多毛类分类多样性, 海洋科学进展, 38:01-22.     

18. 葛美玲, 徐勤增, 范士亮, 王宗兴, 张学雷*. 2018. 中国近海多毛纲底栖类群目与科水平的分类. 生物多样性, 26(9):998-1003.


1. 大洋十三五环境项目, 九十度海岭海洋生物多样性、特有性与连通性,2019-2021, 64万元;

2. 大洋十三五环境项目, u形区洋中脊生态系统监测保护项目, 2019-2020, 100万;

3. 国家自然科学基金中俄国际合作交流项目, 北极与太平洋(黄海)海域萨氏真蛇尾种群特征对比分析. 2019-2020, 15万元;

4. 中国东盟基金项目子课题, 生物多样性合作研究. 2018-2019, 100万元;

5. 环境保护部生物多样性调查项目, 雷州半岛东海岸及附近海域潮间带物种资源调查. 2016-2017年,6万元;

6. 自然资源部第一海洋研究所基本科研业务费专项资金项目, 黄海冷水团蛇尾纲底栖动物群落特征研究,2018-2020, 20万元.

7. 国家自然科学基金青年基金, 人工鱼礁对毗邻海域大型底栖动物群落特征的影响. 2015-2017, 25万元;

8. 环境保护部生物多样性调查项目, 广东省珠江口至茂名潮间带物种资源调查. 2015年-2016年,6万元.
